Can I access BANG from my TV?
Enjoy your favorite porn videos on your TV. Our new video player lets you cast to your TV using AirPlay or Chromecast. With a click of a button, you can now cast our porn in 4K onto your smart TV.PopularCan I download any videos?
Yes! With your Bang PRIME membership, you can download any of our videos at any time. The downloaded movies are yours to enjoy as long as you want as you can keep them forever (never expire!).Few readersWhat happened to my Bang application on Roku?
Following a decision from Roku late in 2021, they have decided to no longer allow private channels on their platform. As a result, Bang's application on Roku is no longer available.Few readersCan I watch/stream in Ultra HD 4K?
Yes! With your Bang Prime account, you can watch, stream and download in Ultra HD 4K. If you experience more than usual buffering time playing our 4K content, please click the COG icon (bottom right of the video player) to change it to 1080p or lower: Cog Icon to update VidFew readersCan I resume a download after it stops?
Yes! You can safely resume a download if it stops. Most browsers now handle this easily but if you want to use a third-party download manager, you are free to do so as well. There is truly no limitation with your Bang PRIME membership, you can: Download as many movies as you can Pause, resume your downloads Keep them forever!Few readersCan I watch/stream on my phone/tablet?
Yes! You can access from ANYWHERE you want and from ANY DEVICE! Our site and all of its videos are optimized for mobile and tablet to secure fast streaming.Few readersCan I watch from my Playstation 4 or XBox?
Yes, you can—but please keep in mind that we're unable to optimize Bang for console browsers! Sony, for Playstation in particular, has limited the browser usage on its new consoles, making it difficult for us to test them. We do suggest giving casting from your phone to your TV a try instead!Few readers