What is Bang?
BANG! is the largest and most secure website for adult content on the internet today. We have over 125,000 full-length videos from a wide array of the best adult studios. In addition, we also offer exclusive productions under our own studio: “Bang Originals”. With a prime membership, you will be able to access our Bang Original videos ahead of anyone else: 7 days before to be exact!Some readersWhat is Bang’s connection to VideosZ?
VideosZ.com was once our primary website, but we updated all of our content to BANG.com in 2016. As of Fall 2022, we've updated Videosz's interface to match Bang's, ensuring that you have the best and most optimized streaming experience online!Some readersWhat is Bang Prime?
BANG! PRIME is the most Valuable Streaming membership On top of our standard features: Full-length Movies Fastest Streams Multiple Daily Updates BANG PRIME gives you ALL of the following: UNLOCK DOWNLOADS-TO-KEEP That's right, with Bang Prime, you can download ANY and ALL of our movies and they are yours to keep FOREVER! No strings attached, start downloading and collecting your favorite movies today! EARLY ACFew readersAre your movies legal?
Our company works closely with a wide array of Adult Studios. HOW BANG ACQUIRES VIDEOS BUY Our first step is to buy the rights to the movies that we use on the site. PROCESS THE MODEL RELEASES After we acquire the rights, we process the model releases and IDs of each model features on our sites to make sure they are over the age of 18. Please read our Record Requirement and Compliance Statement.Few readersHow do I contact you?
Feel free to contact us on either of the following: Email us: support@bang.com 📧 Live Chat: Bottom right of the page 😊Few readersI would like to request a specific movie on Bang...
We love and appreciate any feedback and we will do our best to bring the content you love to BANG!Few readersDo you offer any gay content on Bang?
At this time, we do not offer gay content at Bang. We do have a separate site for our gay content library located at www.GayHD.com. We offer over 1,500 Full-length movies in HD!Few readersI would like to work for Bang as a model. Where do I sign up?
Interested in joining Bang's set of models? We'll be glad to have you! To join us, please contact our marketing department at marketing@bang.com.Few readers