Articles on: BILLING

How do I cancel my account?

To cancel your account at BANG, follow this procedure:

Login to BANG! at: Login page

Go to "Your Subscriptions" page within your profile: account subscriptions

You can also reach your profile by clicking on your username in the upper right hand corner, clicking on "Profile," and then click on "View Subscriptions."

You will be able to see your current billing agent and a link to "Cancel."

Click on the "Cancel" link

Follow the cancel procedure through the survey!

Once you have canceled your account, you can refresh "Your Subscriptions" page and it will show your account as "Canceled" in red.

Depending on the Billing Agent, the cancel procedure might be different. Please follow the instructions below if you're not sure!

Refer to your bank statement or credit card statement to find out the Billing Agent that processed your transaction:

Billed by ECHST (follow the procedure on this page)
Billed by CCBill
Billed by Epoch
Billed by Segpay
Billed by Vendo

We are here to assist you if you need any help to update, change or cancel your subscription - contact us via the Live Chat box on this page or through our Bang! Customer Support page!

Updated on: 10/06/2022

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